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  • Causes of Elbow Pain and Treatment Options

    Source: Verywell Health

    Elbow pain can range from the burning that comes with an inflamed tendon to the sharp pain of an elbow fracture.Elbow pain can have many different causes. That's why it's important to see your healthcare provider for a full evaluation. An accurate diagnosis is key to a proper treatment plan.

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  • Shoulder Blade Stretches: Exercises to Relieve Pain in Tight Shoulders

    Source: Healthgrades

    If the shoulder blade, or scapula, is out of position, or if there are any problems with the tendons attached to the scapula, it can cause pain and make movement difficult. Several stretches may help ease this pain.

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  • What Is a Posterolateral Corner Injury?

    Source: Verywell Health

    Knee pain and swelling can be caused by a number of conditions or injuries. Among athletes, injury to the posterolateral corner (PLC) of the knee is one common cause of this type of pain.

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  • 79% of hamstring injuries involve biceps femoris: Here’s why

    Source: Orthopedics This Week

    Rapid movements with high eccentric demands of the posterior thigh are likely the main cause of hamstring injury in professional male athletes, according to a new study.

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  • Palmaris or hamstring tendon graft for UCL reconstruction?

    Source: Orthopedics This Week

    According to a new systematic literature review, patients who receive palmaris grafts are slightly more likely to return to sport or return-to-same level than patients who had received hamstring tendon grafts.

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  • Certain Meds Raise Odds for Delirium After Surgery

    Source: HealthDay

    Older adults have a higher risk of delirium after hip and knee surgery if they're taking anxiety, depression or insomnia drugs, researchers say.

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  • What to know about tendinitis

    Source: Medical News Today

    Tendinitis — also known as tendonitis — is the inflammation of a tendon. It usually happens when a person overuses or injures a tendon during physical activity.

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  • An Overview of Shoulder Blade Pain

    Source: VerywellHealth

    Shoulder blade pain doesn't always have an obvious cause. It can be a symptom of something serious like a heart attack or lung cancer. Or maybe you slept on it wrong or have poor posture at the computer.

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  • The 7 Best Posture Correctors of 2021

    Source: VerywellHealth

    For starters, "good" posture occurs when the muscles of the body support the skeleton in an alignment that is both stable and energy efficient.

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  • Henry Ford Study Shows Non-Opioids Provide Effective Pain Relief After Knee Surgery

    Source: Newswise

    A study by Henry Ford Health System published in the October issue of The American Journal of Sports Medicine provides a promising answer to the question “Can patients effectively manage their pain after ACL knee reconstruction surgery without opioids?”

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