Indications and techniques for hip arthroscopy continue to evolve
“Hip arthroscopy is an evolving science,” Charles A. Bush-Joseph, MD, of Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush in Chicago, told Orthopedics Today. “We are clearly better able to more accurately diagnose hip and groin conditions. Industry is catching up. There has been dramatic innovation in the equipment surgeons use to perform these types of procedures, making them more reliable and reproducible.”
High impact sports reduce durability of hip implants
French researchers have confirmed that high-impact sport, such as jogging or soccer, increases the risk of total hip arthroplasty mechanical failure, according to a study published in Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research.
“Since participation in sport is now a reality for a significant number of total hip arthroplasty (THA) patients, surgeons may need to adapt their choices of bearing surfaces in implants to accommodate this growing trend,” the authors wrote.
Is carpal tunnel syndrome really just a wrist problem?
Source: EzineArticles
Most conventional carpal tunnel treatments focus solely on the wrist. This approach is, of course, designed to attempt to reduce symptoms of hand pain, numbness and/or weakness. However, the true cause is rarely sought after, hence, these treatments are often times worthless and, in the case of surgery, can actually make matters worse.
There are many factors that will often contribute to median nerve inflammation, which is primarily responsible for the symptoms seen with carpal tunnel syndrome. It can actually be due to problems or dysfunctions in the structures in and around the neck, the shoulder, the elbow, the wrist and/or hand. This is yet another case of a specific painful condition actually caused by something called a kinetic chain disorder pattern. A fancy name for dysfunctional movement issues anywhere along a chain. In this case the chain being the neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand.
My rehab facility is now using Laser Therapy
Source: LiteCure
Laser Therapy is an FDA cleared modality that reduces inflammation and ultimately results in pain reduction. Laser Therapy is effective in treating acute pain, chronic conditions and post-op pain.
Laser therapy treatment is safe, painless and fast. Deep Tissue Laser Therapy treatments are administered in 5 to 10 minutes. Typically patients see results after 3 to 5 treatment sessions. Deep Tissue Laser Therapy utilizes your body’s own healing powers by stimulating celluar activity. Despite fast treatment times, laser therapy treatments initiate a healing process that continues to actively reduce inflammation for up 24 hours after treatment.
LiteCure Medical is the preferred brand of professional athletic trainers and is a clinically proven modality. LiteCure Medical is the leader in scientific research and education.
Increasing exercise capacity by cooling hands
Source: MedicalNewsToday
In the study, obese women who exercised while using the AvaCore Rapid Thermal Exchange (RTX palm cooling device) improved their exercise tolerance and cardiovascular fitness.
The cooling devices cooled the palms of the hand and circulating blood, thus pulling heat off the body.Exercise linked to change in DNA
Source: MedicalNewsToday
The researchers explain that although the genetic makeup is not altered, DNA molecules change structurally and chemically when a person exercises. An example of this is the DNA gaining more or losing parts of methyl groups that are found on sequences of DNA families.
During the study, DNA within skeletal muscle was taken from people who had just experienced a round of exercise. The DNA showed less methyl groups than it had before the person’s work out. The changes were found in the areas of DNA which work as stopping places for a certain kind of enzymes, called transcription factors. These enzymes are very important in terms of muscles and exercise.
Trampoline Advice Issued By Orthopedic Surgeons
Source: MedicalNewsToday
“Although trampolines can be fun for both kids and adults, they pose a high risk for injuries, especially when two or more people jump at one time. Orthopedic surgeons recommended that trampolines not be used in home environments or in outdoor playgrounds because of the high risk of injuries from this activity.”
The AAOS has created an audio public service message as well as a position statement regarding trampoline safety in order to prevent injuries sustained from trampolines, rather than treat them.
In children with ACL injuries, surgery delay can cause irreparable meniscus tears
Source: MedicalNewsToday
For children aged 14 and under, delaying reconstructive surgery for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries may raise their risk of further injury, according to a new study by pediatric orthopaedic surgeons. If surgery occurs later than 12 weeks after the injury, the injury may even be irreparable.
ACL injuries have increased among children and young adults in recent years, possibly because of increased participation in high-level sports such as football, skiing, lacrosse, hockey and soccer, all of which place a high demand on the knees, where the ACL is located.
Pediatricians sound alarm on overuse sports injuries
Children are prone to sport-specific trauma to the growth plates. For example, dancers, skaters and cheerleaders are vulnerable to ankle damage, while baseball and football players tend to injure their shoulders and elbows. Runners suffer shin pain and knee problems, while gymnasts are prone to wrist damage from repetitive weight bearing.
“The combination of repetitive use and skeletal immaturity puts these youngsters at high risk for injuries, some of them long-lasting, so it is really important that young children have whole-body conditioning and engage in a variety of athletic activities rather than one sport,” Valasek says.
Stand Up: Your life could depend on it
Source: MedicalNewsToday
Standing up more often may reduce your chances of dying within three years, even if you are already physically active, a study of more than 200,000 people published in Archives of Internal Medicine shows.
The study found that adults who sat 11 or more hours per day had a 40% increased risk of dying in the next three years compared with those who sat for fewer than four hours a day. This was after taking into account their physical activity, weight and health status.