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  • Lifelong physical activity increases bone density in men

    Men have many reasons to add high-impact and resistance training to their exercise regimens; these reasons include building muscle and shedding fat. Now a researcher has determined another significant benefit to these activities: building bone mass.

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  • Treatment of Locked Posterior Shoulder Dislocation With Bone Defect.

    Locked posterior shoulder dislocation is an uncommon condition and is associated with a reverse Hill-Sachs lesion in 50% of cases. The condition is likely to occur in cases of violent trauma, seizures, or electric shock.

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  • Care of Shoulder Pain in the Overhead Athlete..

    Shoulder complaints are common in the overhead athlete. Understanding the biomechanics of throwing and swimming requires understanding the importance of maintaining the glenohumeral relationship of the shoulder.

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  • Improvements in ACL surgery may help prevent knee osteoarthritis

    Injury to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in the knee frequently leads to early-onset osteoarthritis, a painful condition that can occur even if the patient has undergone ACL reconstruction to prevent its onset.

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  • Patient-reported results, knee stability improved after all-inside double-bundle ACL reconstruction

    Investigators found significant improvements from preoperative measures at 24.8-month follow-up for both mean side-to-side differences and Lysholm scores in patients who underwent double-bundle ACL reconstruction using a special drill pin guide and reamer, along with a laser-guided device to facilitate a transtibial approach.

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  • Imaging Identifies Cartilage Regeneration in Long-distance Runners

    CHICAGO – Using a mobile MRI truck, researchers followed runners for 4,500 kilometers through Europe to study the physical limits and adaptation of athletes over a 64-day period, according to a study presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).

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  • Martial arts can be hazardous to kids

    Perhaps there’s a black belt in your child’s future. But for safety’s sake, kids should only engage in noncontact forms of martial arts, a new American Academy of Pediatrics report says.

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  • BLOG: Hardware complications in revision ACL reconstruction take careful consideration

    Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is a commonly performed orthopedic procedure with more than 100,000 reconstructions performed annually in the United States. Despite improved surgical techniques and rehabilitation protocols, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction failure rates range from 5% to 25%.

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  • Over-the-counter painkillers treated painful injuries just as well as opioids in new study

    In an opioid epidemic that currently claims an average of 91 lives per day, there have been many paths to addiction. For some, it started with a fall or a sports injury, a trip to a nearby emergency room and a prescription for a narcotic pain reliever that seemed to work well in the ER.

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  • Study finds predictors for ACL injury are dissimilar between male and female athletes

    Except for increased anterior-posterior knee laxity, results from this study indicated female athletes and male athletes were not similar with regard to predictors for first-time noncontact ACL injury.

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