If you are a healthy individual with no underlying medical conditions as determined by a physician, you will require only a history and physical and a PACE appointment that will be set up by Dr. Kaplan’s office.
If you are a medically managed patient or have underlying medical conditions as determined by a physician, you will require testing in addition to a history and physical. The additional testing required will be noted on your pre-op testing form; please provide this form to the physician performing the tests.
Also you will need a pre-op medical clearance exam with your primary care provider. Please bring the pre-op testing form to your doctor’s office and have them fax their report and results directly to the surgery center/hospital as well as our office.
Discontinue aspirin, aspirin-based products, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS, which include, but are not limited to, ibuprofen, Daypro, Excedrin, and Naproxen) 7 days prior to surgery. Tylenol may be taken if necessary.
A responsible adult must accompany you from the surgical facility. You will not be allowed to leave unaccompanied after your surgery.
Do not eat or drink ANYTHING after midnight prior to surgery. Failure to comply may result in a cancelled surgery.
You will be notified if post-operative physical therapy will be necessary. If so, please make these appointments ahead of time as well.
Cold Therapy units are available to purchase and Dr. Kaplan’s assistant can help with this item.
Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to your surgery. If possible, leave all jewelry and valuables at home.
Please arrive 2-3 hours prior to surgery to allow sufficient time for registration and surgical preparation. Arrival time may be confirmed with your doctor’s medical assistant.