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  • Low D3Cr muscle mass/weight significantly increases risk of hip and potentially other fractures in older men

    Medical Xpress

    Older men with lower amounts of muscle mass have significantly increased risk of hip and potentially other fractures, new research led by investigators at Sutter Health's San Francisco Coordinating Center (SFCC) in San Francisco, CA has shown.

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  • What are some natural treatments for osteoarthritis?

    Medical News Today

    Some people with osteoarthritis (OA) find relief from natural treatments, such as physical therapy and acupuncture. Many experts recommend a combination of drug-based and natural treatments for people with OA.

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  • Sport improves concentration and quality of life

    Science Daily

    Physically fit primary school pupils feel better and can concentrate better. They are more likely to make it to higher-level secondary grammar schools than children with less sporting abilities. This has been confirmed for the first time in a study by the Department of Sport and Health Sciences at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).

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  • Stiff shoulders after rotator cuff repair may be less likely to require revision surgery


    Patients with stiff shoulders after rotator cuff repair were more likely to be satisfied with their repair and less likely to require revision surgery than patients without stiff shoulders, according to results presented here.

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  • Exercising With Knee Pain: Do's and Don'ts

    US News

    Plenty of studies show the enormous benefits of regular exercise on knee health and the protective advantages it can offer in keeping the structures, tissues and ligaments of the knee protected from damage now, and later in life. As long as you clear it with your physician first, you might be surprised at the knee pain relief and active lifestyle benefits that can come with introducing exercise into your daily routine.

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  • Steroid injections may provide longer lasting benefits for hip pain than current best care


    A midday nap can also help you feel more alert and reset you a bit emotionally, easing stress enough to help you be less impulsive and deal with frustration a little better. But naps can also have their downsides.

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  • How long should a concussed athlete be sidelined?

    Orthopedics This Week

    What factors predict recovery time for an athlete who has suffered a concussion? A new study has some answers. As the Stanford University authors wrote, “Prognosticating recovery times for individual athletes with a concussion remains a challenge for health care providers. Several preinjury and postinjury factors have been proposed to be predictive of prolonged return-to-play times, but the data in this area are still sparse.”

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  • Yoga Moves to Improve Hip Health

    Protect yourself from pain and disability with simple exercises you can do at home

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  • Why Triathletes Should Swim Different Strokes

    Shoulder health is a big deal for swimmers and triathletes. Overuse injuries due to muscular imbalances are common, painful, keep you from training, and can be expensive to treat. Swimming other strokes gives you an opportunity to strengthen other parts of the shoulder by using different movements

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  • Knee Pain and Function: Nonoperative Approaches to Managing Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

    Physical rehabilitation and osteopathic manipulative techniques can treat different aspects of “runner’s knee,” to alleviate tight muscles and tender points within the joint or muscle and increase range of motion.

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